BIPs bitcoin improvement proposals

300 - Hashrate Escrows (Consensus layer)

BIP: 300 source Layer: Consensus (soft fork) Title: Hashrate Escrows (Consensus layer) Author: Paul Sztorc CryptAxe Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Created: 2017-08-14 License: BSD-2-Clause Post-History: Table of ContentsAbstractMotivationSpecificationOverviewD1 (The Sidechain List)D2 (The Withdrawal List)The Six New Bip300 MessagesM1 -- Propose SidechainM2 -- ACK Sidechain ProposalNotes on Withdrawing CoinsWhat are Bundles?Bundle Hash = Blinded TxID of M6M3 -- Propose BundleM4 -- ACK Bundle(s)M5 -- Deposit BTC to SidechainM6 -- Withdraw BTC from a SidechainOP_DRIVECHAINWeight adjustmentsBackward compatibilityDeploymentReference ImplementationReferencesCreditsCopyright Abstract In Bip300, txns are not signed via cryptographic key. Instead, they are "signed" by hashpower, ...