BIPs bitcoin improvement proposals

93 - codex32

BIP: 93 source Layer: Applications Title: codex32: Checksummed SSSS-aware BIP32 seeds Author: Leon Olsson Curr and Pearlwort Sneed Andrew Poelstra Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Informational Created: 2023-02-13 License: BSD-3-Clause Post-History: Table of ContentsIntroductionAbstractCopyrightMotivationSpecificationcodex32ChecksumError CorrectionUnshared SecretRecovering Master SeedGenerating SharesFor a fresh master seedFor an existing master seedLong codex32 StringsRationaleNot BIP-0039 EntropyBackwards CompatibilityReference ImplementationTest VectorsTest vector 1Test vector 2Test vector 3Test vector 4Test vector 5Invalid test vectorsAppendixMathematical Companion Introduction Abstract This document describes a standard for backing up and restoring the master seed of a BIP-0032 hierarchical deterministic wallet, ...

328 - Derivation Scheme for MuSig2 Aggregate Keys

BIP: 328 source Layer: Applications Title: Derivation Scheme for MuSig2 Aggregate Keys Author: Ava Chow Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Proposed Type: Informational Created: 2024-06-04 License: CC0-1.0 Table of ContentsAbstractCopyrightMotivationSpecificationTest VectorsBackwards CompatibilityRationaleReference ImplementationAcknowledgements Abstract This document specifies how BIP 32 extended public keys can be constructed from a BIP 327 MuSig2 aggregate public key and how such keys should be used for key derivation. Copyright This BIP is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license. Motivation Multiple signers can create a single aggregate public key with MuSig2 that is indistinguishable from a random public key. The cosigners need a method for generating additional aggregate pubkeys to follow the best practice of using a new address for every payment. The obvious met...

390 - musig() Descriptor Key Expression

BIP: 390 source Layer: Applications Title: musig() Descriptor Key Expression Author: Ava Chow Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Informational Created: 2024-06-04 License: CC0-1.0 Table of ContentsAbstractCopyrightMotivationSpecificationmusig(KEY, KEY, ..., KEY)musig(KEY, KEY, ..., KEY)/NUM/.../*Test VectorsBackwards CompatibilityRationaleReference ImplementationAcknowledgements Abstract This document specifies a musig() key expression for output script descriptors. musig() expressions take multiple keys and produce an aggregate public key using BIP 327. Copyright This BIP is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license. Motivation BIP 327 introduces the MuSig2 Multi-Signature scheme. It is useful to have a way for keys to be used in a MuSig2 aggregate key to be expressed in descriptors so that wallets can more easily use MuSig2. Specification A new key expre...

372 - Pay-to-contract tweak fields for PSBT

BIP: 372 source Layer: Applications Title: Pay-to-contract tweak fields for PSBT Author: Maxim Orlovsky Discussions-To: Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Created: 2022-01-16 License: BSD-2-Clause Requires: BIP-174 Table of ContentsIntroductionAbstractCopyrightBackgroundMotivationDesignSpecificationSecurity considerationsRationaleCompatibilityReference implementationAcknowledgementsTest vectorsReferences Introduction Abstract This document proposes additional fields for BIP 174 PSBTv0 and BIP 370 PSBTv2 that allow for pay-to-contract (P2C) key tweaking data to be included in a PSBT of any version. These will represent extra-transaction information required for the signer to produce valid signatures spending previous outputs. Copyright This BIP is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. Background Key tweaking is a procedure for creating a cryptographic commitment to a message using ellipti...

322 - Generic Signed Message Format

BIP: 322 source Layer: Applications Title: Generic Signed Message Format Author: Karl-Johan Alm Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Created: 2018-09-10 License: CC0-1.0 Table of ContentsAbstractMotivationTypes of SignaturesLegacySimpleFullFull (Proof of Funds)Detailed SpecificationVerificationVerification ProcessSigningCompatibilityReference implementationAcknowledgementsReferencesCopyrightTest vectorsMessage hashingMessage signingTransaction Hashes Abstract A standard for interoperable signed messages based on the Bitcoin Script format, either for proving fund availability, or committing to a message as the intended recipient of funds sent to the invoice address. Motivation The current message signing standard only works for P2PKH (1...) invoice addresses. We propose to extend and generalize the standard by using a Bitcoin Script based approach. This ensures tha...